This web page will allow you to conveniently and securely upload documents to us.
to view additional important information.
Electronic Signature, we
ask you to sign the documents you are uploading with an electronic signature. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UTEA) and Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) allow the electronic signature you provide here to be as legal as your hand-written signature. If you do not wish to use the Electronic signatures you have that right and you can submit documents in other methods, BUT in using this method you are consenting that you know and will use an electronic signature to sign off on the documents uploaded.
You acknowledge and understand the terms of using this service as available.
You can only upload the following file formats, any other type of file will be deleted: .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, and .XLSX
For your records we will send you an email listing the files you uploaded, but for your security well only give you the name of the files uploaded.
For your security there is no way for you to edit or delete files once you upload them. If you need to make changes, re-upload your documents and add some description of the changes in comments or please feel free to contact us.
So we can direct your files to the correct person, we need to ask you a few questions.
Company Name:
Email Address:
Invalid value
Contact Number (Cell/Work):
Invalid value
Bank Recipient:
Combo Button
Invalid value
What are you uploading (Select all that apply):
Invalid value
*Entering your signature signifies that you are verifying your intent to upload these documents and in doing so you are stating these documents are accurate and this signature will be used to digitally sign the documents uploaded.
Bank Forms:
Personal Financial Statement (PDF)
ersonal Financial Statement (Excel)
Upload Files:
Uploaded File
Drop file(s) here
Common error text is displayed here
Please use a browser with HTML5 support; or install
Microsoft Silverlight v3 or later
to view this content and have an ability to upload files.
Drag and drop files here or browse above!
Only .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .XPS, .PNG, .JPEG, .JPG files are allowed!
Submit Files